Discover Waldenbuch > Activities > Cycle & Hiking Tours > Natur.Nah: Wandern zum Quadrat

Natur.Nah: Wandern zum Quadrat



Green, colourful – old, young – multifaceted and square: so many impressions merge here! From mighty oak trees to modern art and on to the historical old town, or the other way round...

The focus of this tour is on the Square. And that means literally: the Museum Ritter with its ChocoShop is the link between the forest tour to the Neuweiler Viehweide conservancy area, the walk to the Fäulbachsee lake and Waldenbuch's historical town centre. Find relaxation looking at art and walking in the countryside. Visit ancient trees and young cattle, travel back through time in the medieval ambience of the old town. This tour allows you to vary the length and time of your walk as required.

Details of the hike




7.3 km


120 m


135 m


1:56 h

Lowest point:

345 m

Highest point: 435 m

The information flyer and map are obtainable free of charge from both Town Halls or from the Landratsamt Böblingen. If you prefer to access it online, you can view the flyer here and print it out.

You'll find the digital route planner here.


Frau Katharina Kutzmutz

Beauftragte für Stadtmarketing, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Tourismus

Bild des persönlichen Kontakts "Frau Kutzmutz"
Marktplatz 1
71111 Waldenbuch
Telefon (0 71 57) 12 93-48
Fax (0 71 57) 12 93-75
Building Altes Rathaus
Room 2
Frau Katharina Schienle
Bild des persönlichen Kontakts "Frau Schienle"
Marktplatz 1
71111 Waldenbuch
Telefon (0 71 57) 12 93 39
Fax (0 71 57) 12 93 75
Building Altes Rathaus
Room 2

Waldenbuch as Top-Groupdestination 2017